oaReticle Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaReticle:

oaWaferObject oaObject

Public Methods

void destroy ()
void getName (oaString &name) const
void getBoundary (oaPointArray &boundary) const
oaFloat getScale () const
void setName (const oaString &name)
void setBoundary (const oaPointArray &boundary)
void setScale (oaFloat scale)
oaCollection< oaFrameInst, oaReticle > getFrameInsts () const
oaCollection< oaDesignInst, oaReticle > getDesignInsts () const
oaCollection< oaImage, oaReticle > getImages () const

Static Public Methods

oaReticle * create (oaWafer *wafer, const oaString &name, oaFloat scale, const oaPointArray &boundary)
oaReticle * find (const oaWafer *wafer, const oaString &name)

Public Types

enum  { dtIndex = oacReticleWaferDataType }

Detailed Description

The oaReticle class defines a structure that would be etched onto a silicon wafer during lithographic processing. The oaReticle was a boundary in which to fit the structure and a scale factor for the structure features. The structure may be defined by instances of designs (layouts) and instances of frames for more complicated structures.

An oaReticle has a polygonal boundary. Two coincident and three collinear points are illegal, and if detected, cause an exception to be thrown. You can use oaPointArray::compress() to remove these combinations.

The oaReticle class can be observed by deriving from oaObserver<oaReticle>.

Member Function Documentation

oaReticle * oaReticle::create oaWafer *    wafer,
const oaString &    name,
oaFloat    scale,
const oaPointArray &    boundary

This function creates a reticle in the specified wafer with the given name and attributes. The specified boundary is checked to verify that there are at least three points and no collinear or coincident points. This function throws an exception if a reticle with the specified name already exists in the wafer.

wafer The wafer in which to create the reticle
name The name of the reticle to create
scale The scale factor to apply to objects in the reticle
boundary A pointArray specifying the reticle boundary

void oaReticle::destroy  

This function destroys this reticle, removing it from the database.

oaReticle * oaReticle::find const oaWafer *    wafer,
const oaString &    name

This function searches the specified wafer for a reticle with the specified name. The function returns the reticle if found. Otherwise, NULL is returned.

wafer The wafer to search for the reticle
name The name of the reticle to find

void oaReticle::getBoundary oaPointArray &    boundary const

This function returns the boundary of this reticle in the given boundary oaPointArray.

boundary The oaPointArray to return the reticle boundary in

oaCollection< oaDesignInst, oaReticle > oaReticle::getDesignInsts   const

This function returns the collection of designInsts associated with this reticle.

oaCollection< oaFrameInst, oaReticle > oaReticle::getFrameInsts   const

This function returns the collection of frameInsts associated with this reticle.

oaCollection< oaImage, oaReticle > oaReticle::getImages   const

This function returns the collection of images associated with this reticle.

void oaReticle::getName oaString &    name const

This function returns the name of this reticle in the given string argument.

name The oaString to return the name in

oaFloat oaReticle::getScale   const

This function returns the scale factor associated with this reticle.

void oaReticle::setBoundary const oaPointArray &    boundary

This function changes the boundary of this reticle to the specified boundary.

boundary The oaPointArray that contains the new reticle boundary

void oaReticle::setName const oaString &    name

This function sets the name of this reticle to the specified 'name'. An exception is thrown if another reticle already has the specified name.

name The new name to give the reticle

void oaReticle::setScale oaFloat    scale

This function changes the scale of this reticle to the specified scale.

scale The new scale factor to give the reticle

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

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