oaImage Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaImage:

oaWaferObject oaObject

Public Methods

void destroy ()
oaWaferObjectgetOwner () const
void getName (oaString &name) const
void getBoundary (oaPointArray &points) const
void getMfgLayers (oaMfgLayerArray &mfgLayers) const
oaStepperMapgetStepperMap () const
void setName (const oaString &name)
void setBoundary (const oaPointArray &points)
void setMfgLayers (const oaMfgLayerArray &mfgLayers)

Static Public Methods

oaImage * create (oaReticle *reticle, const oaString &name, const oaPointArray &boundary)
oaImage * create (oaReticleRef *reticleRef, const oaString &name, const oaPointArray &boundary)
oaImage * find (const oaWafer *wafer, const oaString &name)

Public Types

enum  { dtIndex = oacImageWaferDataType }

Detailed Description

The oaImage class implements an object that represents a region of a reticle that can be stepped across a silicon wafer.

The oaImage class can be observed by deriving from oaObserver<oaImage>.

Member Function Documentation

oaImage * oaImage::create oaReticleRef *    reticleRef,
const oaString &    name,
const oaPointArray &    boundary

This function creates an image with the given name and boundary that references the specified reticle reference.

reticleRef The referenced reticleRef object
name The name of the image
boundary The boundary of the image

oaImage * oaImage::create oaReticle *    reticle,
const oaString &    name,
const oaPointArray &    boundary

This function creates an image with the given name and boundary. The image represents the specified reticle. The given boundary is checked to verify that there are at least three points and no collinear or coincident points.

reticle The reticle that this image represents
name The name of this image
boundary The boundary of the image

void oaImage::destroy  

This function destroys this image, removing it from the database.

oaImage * oaImage::find const oaWafer *    wafer,
const oaString &    name

This function searches the wafer for an image with the given name. The image is returned if found. Otherwise, NULL is returned.

wafer The wafer to search for the named image
name The name of the image to look for

void oaImage::getBoundary oaPointArray &    points const

This function returns the boundary of this image in the given pointArray.

points Returns the boundary of this image

void oaImage::getMfgLayers oaMfgLayerArray &    mfgLayers const

This function retrieves the list of manufacturing layers associated with this image and returns them in the given oaMfgLayerArray.

mfgLayers The list of manufacturing layers returned by this function

void oaImage::getName oaString &    name const

This function returns the name of this image in the given string name.

name Returns the name of this image.

oaWaferObject * oaImage::getOwner   const

This function returns a pointer to the owner of this image.

oaStepperMap * oaImage::getStepperMap   const

This function returns a pointer to the stepperMap associated with this image. NULL is returned if there is no associated stepperMap.

void oaImage::setBoundary const oaPointArray &    points

This function changes the boundary of this image to have the new set of points specified in the given pointArray. Exceptions are thrown if the specified points have coincident or collinear lines or if the number of new points is less than three.

points The new boundary to give this image

void oaImage::setMfgLayers const oaMfgLayerArray &    mfgLayers

This function changes the set of manufacturing layers associated with this image.

mfgLayers Specifies the new set of manufacturing layers for this image

void oaImage::setName const oaString &    name

This function changes the name of this image.

name The new name to give this image

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

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