oaReticleRef Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaReticleRef:

oaWaferObject oaObject

Public Methods

void destroy ()
void getReticleName (oaString &name) const
void getLibName (oaScalarName &name) const
void getLibName (const oaNameSpace &ns, oaString &name) const
void getCellName (oaScalarName &name) const
void getCellName (const oaNameSpace &ns, oaString &name) const
void getViewName (oaScalarName &name) const
void getViewName (const oaNameSpace &ns, oaString &name) const
oaCollection< oaImage, oaReticleRef > getImages () const

Static Public Methods

oaReticleRef * create (oaWafer *wafer, const oaString &reticleName, const oaScalarName &libName, const oaScalarName &cellName, const oaScalarName &viewName)
oaReticleRef * find (const oaWafer *wafer, const oaString &reticleName, const oaScalarName &libName, const oaScalarName &cellName, const oaScalarName &viewName)

Public Types

enum  { dtIndex = oacReticleRefWaferDataType }

Detailed Description

The oaReticleRef class defines a reference to an oaReticle object in a different wafer database.

The oaReticleRef class can be observed by deriving from oaObserver<oaReticleRef>.

Member Function Documentation

oaReticleRef * oaReticleRef::create oaWafer *    wafer,
const oaString &    reticleName,
const oaScalarName &    libName,
const oaScalarName &    cellName,
const oaScalarName &    viewName

This function creates a reticleRef in the specified wafer with the given attributes. The reticleName specifies the name of the reticle in the wafer database with the specified library, cell, and view names. This function throws an exception if a reticleRef with the reticle name already exists in the wafer.

wafer The wafer database in which to create the reticleRef.
reticleName The name of the referenced reticle
libName The library name of the wafer database containing the reticle
cellName The cell name of the wafer database containing the reticle
viewName The view name of the wafer database containing the reticle

void oaReticleRef::destroy  

This function destroys this reticleRef, removing it from the database.

oaReticleRef * oaReticleRef::find const oaWafer *    wafer,
const oaString &    reticleName,
const oaScalarName &    libName,
const oaScalarName &    cellName,
const oaScalarName &    viewName

This function searches the wafer for a reticle reference that has the given reticle name.

wafer The wafer to search for the reticle
reticleName The name of the reticle to find
libName The library name of the wafer database containing the reticle
cellName The cell name of the wafer database containing the reticle
viewName The view name of the wafer database containing the reticle

void oaReticleRef::getCellName const oaNameSpace &    nameSpace,
oaString &    name

This function returns the cell name for the reticle associated with this reticleRef in the namespace specified.

nameSpace The name space in which to return the name.
name The returned cell name

void oaReticleRef::getCellName oaScalarName &    name const

This function returns the cell name for the reticle associated with this reticleRef in the specified name.

name The returned cell name

oaCollection< oaImage, oaReticleRef > oaReticleRef::getImages   const

This function returns the collection of images associated with this reticle reference object.

void oaReticleRef::getLibName const oaNameSpace &    nameSpace,
oaString &    name

This function returns the library name for the reticle associated with this reticleRef in the namespace specified.

nameSpace The name space in which to return the name.
name The returned library name

void oaReticleRef::getLibName oaScalarName &    name const

This function returns the library name for the reticle associated with this reticleRef in the specified name.

name The returned library name

void oaReticleRef::getReticleName oaString &    name const

This function returns the name of the reticle referenced by this reticleRef.

name The returned reticle name

void oaReticleRef::getViewName const oaNameSpace &    nameSpace,
oaString &    name

This function returns the view name for the reticle associated with this reticleRef in the namespace specified.

&nameSpace The name space in which to return the name.
name The returned view name

void oaReticleRef::getViewName oaScalarName &    name const

This function returns the view name for the reticle associated with this reticleRef in the specified name.

name The returned view name

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

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